Types of Electric Bicycles

Electric bicycles have started receiving more popularity in recent times. All the credit goes to their easy-to-use features, compact design, and versatility. If you buy a well-made and well-equipped electric bicycle, you can ride on any terrain, and also, it can support your climbing adventure. You will find your ride fun and smooth, and you can explore whatever you want with your riding companion. You will have different electric bicycles, and you need to know each type to buy a suitable one for your purpose.

You do not need registration, license, or insurance to ride an electric bicycle, and you can buy one and enjoy the riding without having a driver’s license. You are here means you want more information about an e-bike, and we will answer all your queries in the following. We will cover the types of electric bicycle, motor types, and other factors to enable you to find your best riding companion.


You will have three main types of electric bicycles, and all of them will have some unique features, and you need to go through them to find the best fit. Here are three types with their positives and negatives.

1. PEDAL ASSIST: The pedal assist is one of the most preferred choices since it has some features of traditional bikes. You will find it a good combination of conventional design and modern technologies. In this type, you will have to use pedals, and once you start pedaling, the motor will offer support to the rear wheel, and you can have smooth riding. However, the pedaling will not require more effort, and even if you use high gears, you will find pedaling easy. You can use this bike to climb hills and ride on rough terrains. You will have settings to manage controls, and you might find the riding convenient and hassle-free. But the downside is that you cannot get more support than twenty-five km per hour. But you can use it for most paths and roads where it is hard to ride a conventional bicycle. Pedal-assist is a class 1 bike, and it can be the best for all types of users. There is no age limit for having this e-bike, and also, you do not need a license.

2. THROTTLE: Throttle is a class 2 e-bike that runs like a scooter or motorcycle, but it will not require pedaling, and this unique feature makes it different from its leading competitor. Without pedaling, you can get the desired amount of power based on how far you can push the throttle. The laws of many countries prohibit the usage of throttle bikes, and you will find them in the USA and China. But you can have this bike if you do not like pedaling to generate power from the motor. There is no age limit and license requirements to use this e-bike, but you will have to ensure that the law of your country allows its usage.

3. SPEED PEDAL: It is a class 3 e-bike that has earned appreciation for its speed. The maximum speed of this e-bike is 28mph. Many areas consider this bike a motor vehicle, but the downside is that its speed does not make it a safe choice for those below seventeen years old. You will need your helmet while riding this bike, but you will not require a driver’s license.

You can consider any of these bikes, depending on your preference. But you will have to inquire about the legal requirements and restrictions before going ahead with one. In addition to the design, you will have to consider the motor types. The electric bicycles will have a motor either on the hubs or in the center of the frame. The location of e-bike motors will decide the efficiency and capability of your riding companion. We will know more about the motor types, and you can purchase an e-bike confidently.


* CENTER-DRIVE OR MID-DRIVE MOTORS: These motors are the most appreciated for their efficiency and extensive range. You might find these motors exceptional for all the applications, including distance, speed, exercise, commuting, hills, and fun. Also, these motors are lightweight, and you can expect better gravity and handling features. The downside is that you will have to spend more on these motors, but you will find them worth spending if you consider the benefits.

* REAR-HUB MOTORS: You can find rear hub motors in pedal and throttle models. They are available in two types, direct-drive and geared hub. When the direct drive is the best for high speeds and climbing hills, the geared hub can carry heavy loads, and you can use it for steep hills. The direct drive can support your transportation and your exercises, but geared hub can be ideal for all applications.

* FRONT HUB MOTORS: You will find a front hub motor in the simplest e-bikes, but it will limit the capability of your riding companion. Moreover, the throttle-type e-bikes use the front hub motor since you will not have pedals. You can get the speed based on your input. If your e-bike has this motor, you will have to spend less because inexpensive models use front hub motors.


All these types have pros and cons, and they can be the best option for some specific users. You can consider more comfort features if you are a recreational rider. You will have all the supportive technologies for your exercises and riding. If you are a commuter, you can consider a hybrid style. While riding, you can get workout benefits without putting in hard effort. You will get the desired speed and advanced features to support your commuting.

For your adventure, you will need an off-road bike that can enable you to ride off-road on trails. You can go faster and further with less effort. Also, you can climb hills and explore adventures that might not be possible with conventional bicycles. You can choose any e-bike based on your commuting needs. You will have to consider both the motor and e-bike type to make the most out of your investment.